Let’s Talk Men and Relationships with the Author of “The Man-ual” Andre J. Carter



Andre J. Carter has wowed fans all over America and the Caribbean as a poet.  He has written numerous poems and received many awards for his poetry. His poetry has been included in weddings, as well as the US Army where soldiers have sent his poetry home to their spouses.

Andre J. Carter is the author of several books including “Say No To Less Than 7 Figures In Real Estate” & “The Man-ual” The Relationship Manual Created Just For Men.  Continue reading

The Power Of Relationships

Relationships of all kinds are often perceived as very delicate things, that require an extra effort to maintain. However, a relationship can also be something that can provide security and can also be long-lasting despite many trials.

Building an effective and lasting relationships is a necessity for several reasons. For example in a group or organization, the well-being of the people depends on how efficient and effective that group or organization works.

The group or organization is also dependent on how the members work well with the management. Continue reading

Ms. Reasons Updates – News


Ms. Reason has shut down the Life Coaching and Ms. Reason sites. The sites are down for re-designing and branding. The Ms. Reason ahow has grown such a following that the network needs an overhaul. Be patient and continue to follow and read the daily blogs here. Also continue to follow The Ms Reason Show and Like Ms. Reason on Facebook!

We appreciate you guys and look forward to hearing from you more!

Ms Reason

Are You Depressed Or Unhappy – Do You Know The Difference?

I’m glad you found my site and I hope this information is what you are looking for.

Do you know the difference between being depressed or just sad? I really think most people know the difference.

It is normal to feel sad from time to time. Everyone somewhere, sometime in lives will experience sadness. Sadness is a natural reaction to something painful which has happened. Depression is more extreme. It is a clinical illness which has a lot more symptoms than sadness and can, if not treated lead to suicide.

The difference between sadness and depression is a person experiencing feelings which they find upsetting can logically tell you what it is that is causing the unhappiness, whereas a person suffering from depression can not necessarily do so. People suffering from sadness know their feelings will begin to heal over a period of time. A person suffering from depression will usually get worse and do not see an end to the situation.

Depression can last for weeks, months or years. It is not something that a person can merely ‘snap out of,’ much as they wish they could. It is just not possible. The feelings are intense and overwhelming and believe me; no-one wants to be contemplating taking their own life.

If a person has a loss of interest in life in their daily activities, job, relationship or socializing for more than about two to three weeks and their mood is out of character, then a visit to the doctor would be in order.

Some of the main symptoms of depression are:
1. Tiredness/lethargy or inability to sleep (insomnia)
2. Loss of interest in social activities and sexual relations
3. Contemplating death and/or suicide
4. Lack of self-worth and inappropriate guilt
5. Significant weight changes
6. Lack of focus

If you have any symptoms, you should visit your doctor. There are screening tests are available and there are a range of them available on the internet as well.

So take care of yourself. You are the most special person there in on this planet. There is no one else even remotely like you that has your talents, skills or abilities. You simply cannot be replaced and you have important things to do with your life. The only person you can control is yourself, so take care of yourself first and foremost. Everyone and everything else is out of your control. Start doing those things today that make you feel good. You know what they are. We’re all counting on it!

Self- Worth

This question is for the ladies but men are more than welcome to respond. Since my last show I have been in a female rich environment, meaning college. Having made many new acquaintances, I’ve noticed a pattern; a pattern of well-educated, beautiful women not valuing themselves beyond the books. They have it all together except when it comes to their worth. When asked the question; do you value yourself, the answers varied. Some were not clear on self-worth and thought it meant being conceited; others feel that they have to stay on a lower level because of the women to men ratio. The women that are in relationships are “comfortable” not happy. They agree that things need to change and should but are hesitant to do so, because of fear of being alone, starting over, and feeling like this is the best they can do. Would you agree that valuing ones’ self would change the way these women see themselves?

I must define self-worth… it means to have belief in self, confidence in personal value and worth as an individual person. Self-worth in tells self-esteem, confidence and self-respect.

As women, mothers and role models; I believe it should be taken more serious. There are not enough old school women around setting the example for these young women. Sure it’s being said that women are looking up to Mrs. Obama, but are you truly looking up to her or the fact that she is married to the first Black President? Mrs. Obama is a great example of a Black women exuding Self-Worth. She knows her role as a queen, wife and most of all as a mother of two future Queens.

It’s important that we recognize the power we have as women.

Reality TV (Seriously)

Ms. Reason Show

Is it just me or has these so-called reality television shows gone to far? From the dating shows to the fashions shows its ridiculous. The regular TV shows are bad enough. For me these shows represent the state that we are in with regards to being materialistic, shallow, money hungry and emotionally unstable. Why have these shows become the latest craze? Maybe it’s just me being to serious; then again maybe not. The show the Bad Girls… OMG…. Enough said. For me to have my daughter completely embarrassing herself and me on national TV is not a laughing or entertaining matter. I have noticed that these shows have consumed people and they live by these shows. TV for me is just what it was intended to be for entertainment purposes! To be judged and humiliated to win some money and have a clothing line is a bit much for me. Is it that…

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