What Makes You Great with Author Tasha Hoggatt – Voted best Inteview

Tasha Hoggatt enjoys learning about life and spending time with her family and friends. She enjoys kayaking, hiking, going to the beach, swimming and ping pong. The author speaks at engagements to youth, women shelters and those who need to relearn the meaning of what makes you great.  She volunteers at organizations to help youth learn to live their life to the fullest. She works with women in shelters, transitional homes and speaks at churches.  Tasha believes everyone is here for a purpose. We all have gifts that must shine, to inspire others to follow their dreams.  We must be the light and the positive example to make our life better and those around us better

Listen To Writing Internet Radio Stations with Ms Reason on BlogTalkRadio
Show Date: February 27, 2014 
Show Time: 6:30 pm Est. 
Show Link:

“Healing Your Life with Water – How to use your Mind, Body and Water Connection to Awaken your Inner Fountain of Youth”

Diana E. Ruiz is an Accomplished Author, Professional Speaker, Entertainer, and Inner Fountain of Youth Coach. 

Her latest book: “Healing Your Life with Water – How to use your Mind, Body and Water Connection to Awaken your Inner Fountain of Youth” has recently been awarded Honorable Mention in both the London and New England book festivals as well as a 5-star review from Readers Favorite. 

Diana takes you on a voyage of self-discovery about your own inner fountain of youth and reveals water as the simple “solution” and untapped miracle the world has been waiting for through simple techniques and new knowledge. Diana uses her Master’s in Communication and her life experiences to offer powerful words and give powerful performances to large audiences.

Skype: Diana.wilk1
Cell: 425-280-7822

Healing Your Life with Water – A Great Read and Resource

In Healing Your Life with Water, you will learn: Testimonials 

The surprising relationship between water and human emotions. 
A simple technique to relieve, phobias, panic attacks, depression, PTSD, anxiety; any type of stress at home/work simply. 
What an Inner Fountain of Youth is and how to rev it up. 
How to eat in a rejuvenating “Alkaline” way. 
How to boost “Alkaline” thoughts and emotions. 
How to turn up your “Inner Fountain of Youth”. 
How to boost confidence. 
How your thoughts affect your body of water as evidenced by scientific studies. 
How Zombie Emotions and Moldy Oldies prevent happiness. 
A revolutionary simple technique to erase stress and boost vitality. 
The role water, oxygen, and kindness play in preventing cancer and disease. 
How to create age-defying relationships at home and work. 
How the subconscious controls us, and how we can control it. 
The Emotional Freedom Technique than can heal our pasts. 
How you can change the world just by feeling good. 
How to Change the world just by feeling better. 

Are you ready to awaken your Inner Fountain of Youth and change the world? 

Come on in, the water’s fine!

Buy the Book on Amazon Here

Ms. Ruiz invites you to go to her site and sign up for a free personal 30-60 minute Inner Fountain of Youth Consultation 

Skype: Diana.wilk1

Wonderful Testimony From Satisfied Readers

“Physical and emotional health are so connected. Healing Your Life with Water provides valuable tools and techniques to leverage this mind and body connection.”
— Al Foxx, speaker and author of
Achieving no Limits: Embracing Change

“The more we learn about the mind-body connection, the more valuable books like Healing Your Life with Water become. This is an important message to share with people of all ages, including our children. Pick up a copy and personally enjoy the benefits today!”
— Karen Szillat, author of Empowering the Children

“What a wonderful read for anyone who wants to be healthy in mind and body. There was so much good information, I found myself highlighting the information I could immediately focus on that would immediately make a big difference in my life. Feeling better and living longer can really be an option when you implement the knowledge and powerful tools outlined in this book.”
— Bonnie Richter, Vice-President,
Winners Don’t Quit Association & co-author of the first
printing of The Best Places to Kiss in the Northwest

Buy the Book on Amazon Here

A few women who have made some positive changes after they learned how to think and feel to boost their inner rejuvenation after applying techniques from Healing Your Life with Water. 

Fight Fear and Foster Faith, Jana Flaig Has Been There – Got The Wig ®

Ms. Flaig has inspired and uplifted countless listeners with her fun, upbeat personality wrapped in encouragement and humor, she will provide practical tips to KNOCK OUT FEAR that can discourage us, diminish our faith, rob us of hope, and threaten to defeat us as we go through difficult times or a hardship. 

Jana’s shares three important strategies–all learned behavior–include specific How-To tips to fight and conquer fear.

Jana encourages others in all that she does, there is no doubting that Jana’s cancer experience establishes her credibility for knowing fear, and the experience through which she learned to Fight Fear.

Cancer was her hardship, but she understands that others Fight Fear that comes with divorce, job loss, foreclosure, etc.  The focus is not which hardship we all experienced; the focus is learning practical tips to knock out the fear that comes with any life challenge. Fear is a dream killer.

Jana Flaig

Author, Speaker, Inspirational Humorist
P.O. BOX 714
WOODBRIDGE, CA 95258-0714
(209) 339-1139

Speak Positively Over Your Life

Most of us understand that the words we speak over our lives will manifest the things that will happen in our daily lives as well as our futures. 
If we are to believe this is true, then is it safe to believe that if you aren’t where you want to be in life today, could it be because of the words you’ve spoken in the past? I’m almost certain that you and I at some point in our lives spoke negative over our lives or maybe even thought it.

Things like, I will never go any higher in my position. I’ve never been really good at anything. I’ve gotten as far I’m going to go, it’s too hard to keep trying.Whatever it was that you have convinced yourself to believe is what has manifested itself in your life today. Until you acknowledge your gifts, talents and greatness you will remain in that same rut.
So if you have recognized that you are truly ready to make some positive changes in how you speak over your life here are a few tips:

ü  Learn to love yourself and affirm positive thoughts

ü  Take it one day at a time
ü  When you feel discouraged think about where you are and that you have nothing to lose
ü Cultivate a positive attitude
ü  Speak in faith that you are destined for greatness

Remember how you came to be where you are at this very point and understand that to do better you have know better. When you begin to sow positive seeds into your life your life will reap the benefits and begin to change for the better and move you forward with a bright future!

Motivating the Masses to take Monumental Action


Ms. Kristie Kennedy is a Certified Professional Life Coach, Women’s Empowerment Speaker, and Small Business and Leadership Development Coach that provides simple success strategies to overcome everyday challenges, internal conflicts and confidence killers.

Ms. Kennedy is a native of Sarasota, Florida and graduate of Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. She is an only child who spent a majority of her life battling fear of public speaking. After breaking free of her own self-limiting beliefs Kristie made a decision to dedicate her life to empowering others to do the same.

Ms. Kennedy has a special gift of motivation and infuses the spirit of CAN DO in the heart of her listeners and challenges individuals stuck in complacency to shift from mediocrity to magnificence!

Kristie Kennedy Empowerment Enterprises. LLC

“Motivating the Masses to Take Monumental Action”

PO Box 6464 Tallahassee, FL 32314
(850) 576-2997 

Show Date: January 16, 2014
Show Time: 6:30 pm EST

Popular Writing Internet Radio with Ms Reason on BlogTalkRadio

Strive To Live Your Dream Life

Everyone, at some point of his or her life, has dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. Who hasn’t fantasized about being the one who hits the game-winning homer? Who hasn’t dreamed of being the homecoming queen? And how many times have we dreamed of being rich, or successful, or happy with our relationships?

Often, we dream big dreams and have great aspirations. Unfortunately, our dreams remain just that – dreams. And our aspirations easily collect dust in our attic.

This is a sad turn of events in our life. Instead of experiencing exciting adventures in self actualization, we get caught up in the humdrum of living from day-to-day just barely existing. Continue reading

The Power Of Relationships

Relationships of all kinds are often perceived as very delicate things, that require an extra effort to maintain. However, a relationship can also be something that can provide security and can also be long-lasting despite many trials.

Building an effective and lasting relationships is a necessity for several reasons. For example in a group or organization, the well-being of the people depends on how efficient and effective that group or organization works.

The group or organization is also dependent on how the members work well with the management. Continue reading

Helplessness and Hopelessness and Depression

How do you overcome the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness when you suffer from depression?

I can tell you that it is no easy task to admit to yourself let alone others that you will feel isolated and that you’re feel helpless and hopeless. No one understands you, there’s no one that you believe would even listen.  When you feel this way what I like to do is express myself in a way that helps me release the pressure and anxiety. I write, I find a creative way to escape the feelings. I journal and sometimes I talk to people who I know can relate to my pain.

Depression hurts and impairs you in many ways physically, mentally and socially. It is a terrible feeling to have to talk to people who have no idea of the stress you feel on a daily basis. I’m writing this as a way of healing for myself and to share my experience in living with depression. Truly I can say that my entire life experience hasn’t been all bad but for a great part of it I feel like I lost control of my life. I no longer have been making my own decisions.  I have been running on emotional fuel.

My thinking becomes very irrational and everything I once loved I started to hate. I can’t say at what point the tables turned exactly I just know that they have and the pain and anxiety I feel as result is very real. I feel like the world in closing in on me and shutting me out for my life. Then the question in my head becomes do I give in?

I have never been a quitter. I have always stood true to my own beliefs about myself but something in me has changed. I feel as though I have NO control over anything in my life. Except me and that’s even if these days.  Right now I seem so not important so why not just say to hell with it? My life is leaving me behind throwing me away. How do I get it back? These are just a few things I battle with everyday I open my eyes. I truly believe that the fighter in me is why I’m still here. I’m not as powerless as I think.

I have to remember that I was created and equipped with all I need to succeed in my life. I’m here writing this to you to tell you that you too were created and equipped with all that you need. We have an untapped source of strength that lives within us. It’s up to us to find it and harness it. When you feel like everything you do turns into a disaster think about all the good you do and people who’s lives you touch.

I have learned that life is not always fair as we believe it should be but life is meant to be lived. The bad sometimes comes with costs that we would rather not pay but when you think about it the fact is there is a blessing waiting on the other side of the lessen the pain and the  hurt. On the journey to self discovery I found that we are ultimately only allowed to have complete control  how we react and assign meanings to everything we are confronted with in our lives.

Of course you can control where you live, your profession but the universe and what you bring into comes from your thinking. Therefore you and I are not helpless or hopeless. The reason we feel this way is because we have become accustomed to focusing and dwelling on the things that have no worked out for us. How about we start to change that today and focus on the positive things that still exist in our lives. Just because things have not worked out as we planned is not the end of the world unless we choose it to be for us.

We have to begin to retrain ourselves and our thinking in a way that keeps us in tune with reality because the truth is what we see as a lost may not have been meant for us from beginning. When we control our emotional selves we control how we act and respond to the situations that confront us in a more positive way and in a way that is check with the reality of the situation. Think before you simply respond or react to some things that happens you and you will feel better.

To want to always win is a recipe for disaster and may be the underlining reason behind the very cause of  you feeling helpless and hopeless. Start to concentrate on the things that are going well in your life. Face the reality of what has happened negative and you have to let go. Holding on to it only helps keep you captive and you lose your power to those emotions. Remember we are starting to take control of our emotions and own them.

Affirm yourself with positivity like positive self talk and surround yourself with like-minded people who support you. This will help you on your journey out of feeling helpless and hopeless.

I hope this blog has help someone is a positive way. Everything happens for a reason and that is why I’m here!

“The Wild Swans at Coole” Park



I wanted to share this poem with you because the swan to me is one of the most beautiful birds. It represents how I feel about my existence. The mesmerizing beauty and characteristics of the Swan” is representative of (myself).

The trees are in their autumn beauty,
The woodland paths are dry,
Under the October twilight the water
Mirrors a still sky;
Upon the brimming water among the stones
Are nine-and-fifty swans.

The nineteenth autumn has come upon me
Since I first made my count;
I saw, before I had well finished,
All suddenly mount
And scatter wheeling in great broken rings
Upon their clamorous wings.

I have looked upon those brilliant creatures,
And now my heart is sore.
All’s changed since I, hearing at twilight,
The first time on this shore,
The bell-beat of their wings above my head,
Trod with a lighter tread.

Unwearied still, lover by lover,
They paddle in the cold
Companionable streams or climb the air;
Their hearts have not grown old;
Passion or conquest, wander where they will,
Attend upon them still.

But now they drift on the still water,
Mysterious, beautiful;
Among what rushes will they build,
By what lake’s edge or pool
Delight men’s eyes when I awake some day
To find they have flown away?

Poem By W. B. Yeats