“Healing Your Life with Water – How to use your Mind, Body and Water Connection to Awaken your Inner Fountain of Youth”

Diana E. Ruiz is an Accomplished Author, Professional Speaker, Entertainer, and Inner Fountain of Youth Coach. 

Her latest book: “Healing Your Life with Water – How to use your Mind, Body and Water Connection to Awaken your Inner Fountain of Youth” has recently been awarded Honorable Mention in both the London and New England book festivals as well as a 5-star review from Readers Favorite. 

Diana takes you on a voyage of self-discovery about your own inner fountain of youth and reveals water as the simple “solution” and untapped miracle the world has been waiting for through simple techniques and new knowledge. Diana uses her Master’s in Communication and her life experiences to offer powerful words and give powerful performances to large audiences.

Skype: Diana.wilk1
Cell: 425-280-7822

The Law of Vibrations is the Key to The Law of Attraction

Now we all have heard about the “Law of Attraction” but do you understand the true concept behind attracting what you truly want in your life.   Let me give you a clear example to draw from on how we receive what we get in our lives.  On a daily basis you may find yourself thinking about bills and who make you upset and how things really get on your nerves.

Those very thoughts are the vibrations you put out in the universe and it answers back with more of the same.  The universe hears your vibrations and inner most thoughts, it will never respond to the words you speak.  Think of this way we can say what sounds good and what makes us feel good temporarily but the universe will respond to what we do not say. But it will definitely answer to the energy you put out.

When you decide to get clear about what you want in your life focus your mind and actions on achieving that on a daily basis. To do this you must re-train your way of thinking, this will allow you to have more power over what happens in your life.  You can start by having “gratitude” for what you have in life today.   You have the power to change your vibrations and attract more of happiness, peace of mind and abundance in your life.   Keep in mind being patient is a must, we all know nothing happens over night, but commitment and focus helps us get there a lot faster.  You must believe nothing is impossible, that what you desire is on its way as long as you work on maintaining the vibrations you send into the universe.