Speak Positively Over Your Life

Most of us understand that the words we speak over our lives will manifest the things that will happen in our daily lives as well as our futures. 
If we are to believe this is true, then is it safe to believe that if you aren’t where you want to be in life today, could it be because of the words you’ve spoken in the past? I’m almost certain that you and I at some point in our lives spoke negative over our lives or maybe even thought it.

Things like, I will never go any higher in my position. I’ve never been really good at anything. I’ve gotten as far I’m going to go, it’s too hard to keep trying.Whatever it was that you have convinced yourself to believe is what has manifested itself in your life today. Until you acknowledge your gifts, talents and greatness you will remain in that same rut.
So if you have recognized that you are truly ready to make some positive changes in how you speak over your life here are a few tips:

ü  Learn to love yourself and affirm positive thoughts

ü  Take it one day at a time
ü  When you feel discouraged think about where you are and that you have nothing to lose
ü Cultivate a positive attitude
ü  Speak in faith that you are destined for greatness

Remember how you came to be where you are at this very point and understand that to do better you have know better. When you begin to sow positive seeds into your life your life will reap the benefits and begin to change for the better and move you forward with a bright future!