Fight Fear and Foster Faith, Jana Flaig Has Been There – Got The Wig ®

Ms. Flaig has inspired and uplifted countless listeners with her fun, upbeat personality wrapped in encouragement and humor, she will provide practical tips to KNOCK OUT FEAR that can discourage us, diminish our faith, rob us of hope, and threaten to defeat us as we go through difficult times or a hardship. 

Jana’s shares three important strategies–all learned behavior–include specific How-To tips to fight and conquer fear.

Jana encourages others in all that she does, there is no doubting that Jana’s cancer experience establishes her credibility for knowing fear, and the experience through which she learned to Fight Fear.

Cancer was her hardship, but she understands that others Fight Fear that comes with divorce, job loss, foreclosure, etc.  The focus is not which hardship we all experienced; the focus is learning practical tips to knock out the fear that comes with any life challenge. Fear is a dream killer.

Jana Flaig

Author, Speaker, Inspirational Humorist
P.O. BOX 714
WOODBRIDGE, CA 95258-0714
(209) 339-1139